How Fluence is Transforming the South African Cannabis Industry

How Fluence is Transforming the South African Cannabis Industry

It should come as no surprise that the legalisation of cannabis has revolutionised the world. In all of its spheres from social to political and environmental arenas. The legal production of cannabis, however, highlights the need for grower knowledge, production skills and technology to meet the demands of an industry that was once clouded in mystery. Fluence has since taken on the challenge and continues to lead horticultural endeavours across the globe.

Understanding the legalities of cannabis in South Africa

In September 2018, the South African Constitutional Court ruled that is no longer a criminal offence for adult citizens to possess, use or grow cannabis in private. This, however, must adhere to personal consumption regulations.

This ruling has resulted in cannabis production proving to be a lucrative business. Projections for the growth of this industry have increased tenfold in both recreational and medicinal markets, with the promise of several substantial producers entering the market.

Industry challenges

The legalisation of cannabis has however not been without its challenges. Research into the horticulture industry emphasises a persistent lack of grower knowledge. This information gap is understandable, for decades, cannabis production was shrouded in secrecy or in illegal production facilities.

This isn't to say that indoor growing is a new farming technique. In fact, this practice has been around for hundreds of years. It is however legal and evidence-based horticulture practices that are missing from the market. Given the lack of knowledge and technological support given in previous years, growers have had to face the following challenges:

Plant malnutrition

Water and landmass restrictions

Crop disease managements

Pressures to decrease facility overhead costs

Exposure to temperamental weather patterns

The advent of new scientific practices and high-tech systems not only aim to close this information gap but help solve these challenges. This includes producing high-quality crops, improved yields and consistent growth patterns. Fluence continues to lead this initiative.

Fluence: changing the game

As known industry experts, high-value plant investigators and technological innovators, Fluence continues to see its horticulture division take centre stage. Many licensed South African growers have chosen to lean on the expertise of this large-scale company and here's why: their horticultural equipment dominates the markets. Even in an industry that is still in its legal infancy.

Their sharp combination of knowledge and experience have allowed their team to not only scientifically validate their findings but curate a range that appeases their clientele. In parallel to current government regulations, Fluence looks to remove the dated information around cannabis production and demonstrate its safe recreational and medicinal uses. Particularly in controlled-environment crop production. This will, in turn, help cannabis producers, actively inform policy-making and ultimately help regulate this newly legalised industry.

LED lighting solutions

LED technology is one of the greatest additions to indoor planting. It is also the main source of power behind Fluence technologies. Not only is this lighting option dramatically increasing energy efficiency but also boast the following benefits:

Decreases overhead costs

Provides better lighting control

Equipped with spectral combinations

Increased control over lighting intensity

These LED-fitted systems are specifically intended to steer cannabis plants into producing desired characteristics. Producers can, therefore, trust in a brand that designs its systems based on knowledge that is neither secretive, anecdotal nor outdated.

The foreseeable future promises new opportunities for cannabis production. Make sure that you are a part of this legacy by tapping here for the best-kept trade secret when it comes to the horticulture industry.